10/5、仙台市青年文化センターで、仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団とクライストチャーチ交響楽団(Christchurch Symphony Orchestra/CSO)の合同演奏会が開かれました。これは、アジア オーケストラ ウィーク2011のプログラムとして実現したもの。今年震災にあった街のオーケストラ同士の演奏でした。
CEAメンバーからは、ケイレブと鈴木が聴きに行きました。CSOのコントラバス奏者、ジェラルド・オリバーさんの娘さんは、ALT(Assistant Language Teacher/外国語指導助手)として仙台で暮らしていました。当日はバラの花束を贈呈し、メッセージもいただきました。
(クライストチャーチ交響楽団 ジェラルド・オリバー氏からのメッセージ)
On October 5 at the Sendai City Seinen Cultural Center, the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra and the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra (CSO) held a joint concert. As part of the Asian Orchestra Week program, orchestras from the two cities, which were both devastated by earthquakes this year, played together.
CEA members Kaleb and Mr. Suzuki attended the performance. On the day of the concert, the CSO’s contrabass player Gerald Oliver presented them with a bouquet and a message. The bouquet was made from flowers that came from the garden of the bed and breakfast that he runs in Christchurch.
Mr. Oliver’s daughter, Mirabel, used to work in Sendai as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT). She was the artist who created the kiwi bird costume that proved so popular at the Sendai World Festa earlier this year. The handmade costume is one of the many heartfelt signs of friendship that continue to bind Sendai and Christchurch together.
(A message from Gerald Oliver of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra)
Kia Kaha
All our Japanese friends, this is the time to come together and be strong from your friends in Christchurch and the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra.
Gerald Oliver 10.5.2011