【レポート】7/29 せんだい地球フェスタ参加 Report from the July 29 Sendai World Festa

6月に行なわれた「Shared Lines」展から譲り受けたHenry Sunderlandさんのイラスト画も掲示 Henry Sunderland’s illustration from June’s “Shared Lines” art exhibit was featured at the Festa.
6月に行なわれた「Shared Lines」展から譲り受けたHenry Sunderlandさんのイラスト画も掲示 Henry Sunderland’s illustration from June’s “Shared Lines” art exhibit was featured at the Festa.



    NZを代表するキウィとひつじの塗り絵や,マオリヘッドバンド作りには,子どもたちが参加。30名近くが楽しみました。NZに関するクイズには20名ほどが挑戦し、キャンディーをゲット。キウィバードの着ぐるみ(クライストチャーチ出身のアーティスト ミラベル・オリバーさん作)試着は,暑い日だったためか少し少なめだったようです。

 去年好評だった「ケイレブをさがせ」。会場内にいるケイレブを探して「Kia ora」(キヨォラ)と挨拶するとプレゼントをもらえる企画です。これは今年も人気。当日フェスタのインフォメーション担当だったケイレブを,子どもたちが探していました。





子どもたちは、塗り絵に挑戦 Children trying their hands at painting.
子どもたちは、塗り絵に挑戦 Children trying their hands at painting.


On July 29, the 2012 Sendai World Festa was held. This is the second World Festa that has taken place this year. The theme of this year’s Festa is “Hope, Step, Jump”, which was chosen to reflect this year’s focus on recovering from the March 11th Great East Japan Earthquake. The CEA booth will be in the same location as last year, on the second floor. Under the direction of Mr. Suzuki and other volunteer staff members, who worked hard this year and last year to put this event together. 


Almost 30 children had fun making Maori headbands and painting pictures of the two animals that New Zealand is famous for: the kiwi and the sheep. 20 people took part in a quiz about New Zealand and received candy as a prize. People also had the chance to try on a kiwi bird costume made by Christchurch artist and former Sendai resident Mirabel Oliver, but perhaps people were reluctant to suit up due to the day’s hot weather. The game “Find Kaleb” proved to be as popular an activity this year as it was last year. People who found Kaleb and greeted him with “Kia ora” got a prize. Many kids could be seen searching for Kaleb, who was also acting as the Director of Information on the day of the Festa.


There was also a display of photos of Christchurch that Kaleb took when on a recent trip home. Even though progress is still a bit slow, the pictures really showed how the reconstruction is moving forward. We were happy to have received 3,825yen in donations from the collection boxes set up at the festival. We will add this to the other donations we have collected throughout the year and send all of the money to the Cholmondeley Children’s Residential Care Facility in Christchurch. We’d like to give a big thanks to everyone who came out to the festival, with an extra big thanks to those who were able to give contributions. Thank you so much!




NZのフェイクタトゥーを入れたケイレブ Kaleb showing off his temporary New Zealand tattoo.
NZのフェイクタトゥーを入れたケイレブ Kaleb showing off his temporary New Zealand tattoo.
フェスタには多くのボランティアが参加し、イベントを盛り上げました。The Festa’s many volunteers helped to create a fun atmosphere.
フェスタには多くのボランティアが参加し、イベントを盛り上げました。The Festa’s many volunteers helped to create a fun atmosphere.
イベント終了後、残っていたメンバーで撮影。お疲れ様でした。Some of the members after the festival. Good work!
イベント終了後、残っていたメンバーで撮影。お疲れ様でした。Some of the members after the festival. Good work!