CEAinSENDAIの活動報告パネル展がスタートです!Panel Exhibition for CEA in Sendai's Activities

交流コーナーギャラリーで展示中です! The exhibit is now open in the Koryu Exchange Corner!
交流コーナーギャラリーで展示中です! The exhibit is now open in the Koryu Exchange Corner!












Today marks exactly one year since the tragic earthquake that struck Christchurch on February 22, 2011. All of us here at CEA would like to offer a prayer for those lost in the disaster. CEA in Sendai is a volunteer organization begun immediately after the quake by New Zealanders living in Sendai to collect donations for Christchurch. Our activities had only just begun when the Great East JapanEarthquake struck Sendai in March and we found our city also transformed into a disaster area. After that, because both cities found themselves struggling through the aftermath of such tragic earthquakes together, we felt that we were especially obligated to help, and have continued our efforts to help the victims in Christchurch. On the 13th of this month, we were able to send the donations that we have collected to the Cholmondely residential care facility for children.

We have also put up an exhibit at the Koryu Corner in the Sendai International Center featuring pictures and blog posts about our activities from this year. It will be open until the beginning of March, so please come visit it.  




現地の被災状況を伝える写真。Photos showing the current state of the disaster area.
現地の被災状況を伝える写真。Photos showing the current state of the disaster area.
昨年10月に来仙したクライストチャーチ交響楽団のオリバーさんの色紙も展示しています。A message from Gerald Oliver who came to Sendai with The Christchurch Orchestra last October.
昨年10月に来仙したクライストチャーチ交響楽団のオリバーさんの色紙も展示しています。A message from Gerald Oliver who came to Sendai with The Christchurch Orchestra last October.