これまでのCEA in SENDAIの活動に対して、ニュージーランド大使館 イアン・ケネディ駐日大使から、御礼のメッセージをいただきました。メッセージは、現在仙台国際センターで開催中のパネル展に展示しています。
活動を始めて1年。初めは細々とした街頭募金だけだった活動も、現地の児童施設への支援金や、3.11のRoad Corn Flowersなど、少しづつ広がりを見せています。草の根レベルの活動を、今後も続けていきたいと思います。
「クライストチャーチ アースクエイク アピール イン 仙台 (CEA in SENDAI)」の元で活動されている皆様方の熱いお気持ち、ならびにこれまでのご協力に対し、厚く御礼を申し上げます。
We have received a letter from Ian Kennedy from the New Zealand Embassy in Japan thanking CEA in Sendai’s activities supporting Christchurch in the wake of the 2011 earthquake. The letter is currently being displayed in the Sendai International Center’s panel exhibition space.
It’s been one year since we began our work. When we began, our charity activities were quite small, comprised mostly of soliciting for donations on the street. But we have slowly widened the scope of our activities, and now we are actively collecting donations for a residential care facility for children in Christchurch, and have also taken part in making “Road Cone Flowers” (memorials that sprung up spontaneously after the Christchurch earthquake) to commemorate the March 11 Great East Japan Earthquake. We look forward to continuing in such grassroots activities to support the reconstruction in Christchurch and Sendai.
[A message from the New Zealand Embassy]
On behalf of the New Zealand Embassy, I would like to offer my deepest gratitude towards everyone at Christchurch Earthquake Appeal in Sendai (CEA in Sendai) for their kind and generous efforts towards supporting the earthquake victims in Christchurch.
Due to last year’s tragedies, first the Christchurch Earthquake in February followed closely by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March, the cities of Christchurch and Sendai have both suffered many blows. The way that the citizens of our two cities have been able to move forward while supporting and encouraging each other’s recoveries has left a deep impression on me which I will never be able to forget.
The strength of the good relations between Japan and New Zealand comes from supporting such grassroots cultural exchange activities like the ones CEA in Sendai has engaged in. Although we are unable to fight against natural disasters, together we can overcome them. And in doing so, I sincerely hope that we can continue to work together to strengthen the bonds between our two countries.
The New Zealand Embassy in Japan
Ian Kennedy
March 2012