「Shared Line」クライストチャーチと仙台のアート企画が開催 "Shared Lines" Joint Christchurch-Sendai Exhibit Opens

クライストチャーチと仙台のアーティストの恊働企画「Shared Lines」が開催されます。

CEA in SENDAI は協力団体として、広報等に協力しています。








時間:10:00〜19:00 ※最終日 15:00まで

場所:せんだいメディアテーク5F C1ギャラリー (5Fフロア奥のギャラリー)




>> Shared Lines HP


Shared Lines, a joint exhibition featuring the work of artists from Christchurch and Sendai, has now opened.

As a supporter of this event, CEA in Sendai will be assisting in the promotion of this exhibit. This exhibition will take place in two stages. The first stage will be based in Japan and will begin on Friday June 22, 2012. In this stage, the work of Christchurch artists will be exhibited and round table discussion events will be held at the Sendai Mediatheque and the Birdo Flugas gallery in Shiogama. The second stage will be based in Christchurch and will take place in February of 2013. Here, the work of artists from Sendai will be featured, with special events to go along with the exhibition being held. 


Details of Sendai Exhibition

Dates: Friday, June 22 Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Opening Times: 10:00am - 7:00pm (Note: the exhibit will close at 3pm on the final day)

Location: Sendai Mediatheque, 5th Floor, Gallery C1 (the gallery towards the back)

Address: 2-1 Katsugamachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai City


For details on extra events such as round table sessions, please visit the exhibition’s homepage.

>> Shared Lines HP