せんだい地球フェスタ2014に参加します! Participate in the 2014 Sendai World Festa!









>> せんだい地球フェスタ2014ホームページ


CEA in Sendai will again be participating in the Sendai Earth Festa.

This year’s Festa will take place on Aug 3 from 10am until 4pm at the Sendai International Centre.


At the CEA booth, we will have photos of Christchurch’s on-going earthquake reconstruction efforts, as well as a collection box for donations. All donations collected will go to Cholmondeley, a residential care facility for children that was heavily damaged in the earthquake.


There will also be booths were children can take part in some New Zealand cultural activities, such as making headbands traditionally worn by the indigenous Maori people and trying on a kiwi bird costume.


So please make sure to come visit us on Aug 3 at the Sendai International Centre! 


 >> Sendai World Festa 2014